Learn to legally interpret with the Maine state courts! The Maine Judicial Branch, along with the University of Maine School of Law and legally qualified ASL interpreters of Maine, provides this opportunity for legal interpreting and mentoring experience, to gain experience and qualifications to interpret Maine state court proceedings. This Professional Studies/PPO program is offered for up to RID .9 CEUs total with some or greater Content Knowledge Level.
This training offers hours towards qualifying; this is not a complete course to qualify. We welcome interested ASL interpreters to try this program, working with law students in a mock court scenario, where they will be able to ask questions about court interpreting and receive mentoring in court interpreting. I’m happy to help and encourage interested candidates with questions about court interpreting.
Interpretation and/or translation services for LEP individuals whose primary language is American Sign Language are governed by 5 M.R.S. § 48-A. In addition to the qualifications listed therein, court interpretation services may be provided by an American Sign Language interpreter who is currently licensed in the State of Maine, holds national interpreter certification recognized by the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, and:
Guidelines for Determination of Eligibility for Court-Appointed Interpretation and Translation Services (JB-06-03).
To qualify to interpret for court proceedings in ASL, please refer to Maine Statute 5 M.R.S. § 48-A and Judicial Branch Administrative Order JB-06-03.
This program offers 3 hours per class for up to 9 hours total. Each class focuses on a different part of trial. Please register for any or all dates. This training is provided at no cost.
LOCATION: University of Maine School of Law
This is an in-person experience, in Portland, Maine. (Remote participation not available for this training).
TO REGISTER and for accommodations, email: interpreters@courts.maine.gov
Or call 207-822-0718 | Maine Relay 711
The Maine Judicial Branch complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and is committed to providing equal access to Maine state court facilities and court services, ensuring equal employment opportunity, and maintaining an environment in which all people—with diverse needs and functional abilities—are treated with dignity, respect, and courtesy.
If you have any questions, please ask! If you have suggestions, please share!